Forever Enslaved to Domina Shelle

i must make an admission of guilt…

Shelles Slave Bubbles
7 min readFeb 12, 2023

But first, please go check out Dominas latest masterpiece: ‘Shackled’ ( and think about how You will please Domina this Valentine’s day! giggles!💗

in the beginning… over 3 years ago… when Domina Shelle first captured me… i listened to Her INCREDIBLE erotic hypnosis files… and although they were INCREDIBLY powerful and clearly won me over (given how long i’ve been listening)… i honestly just played along for a while because i so badly wanted the reality of being Domina Shelles REAL hypnotic slave for life to happen!!!

Or at least i thought i was just playing along… i did resist at times and other times find myself making a choice that reinforced the “oh i’m probably really just trying to convince myself that this is working but it's just my imagination” kind of thought…

But over time i realized that i was NEVER just playing along or anything like that… sure… My mind was still just strong enough at the time to think i was just pretending… Mabey Domina really just made me think that… until She REALLY took FULL control…

As time went on, i stopped caring about whether or not i was pretending or if Domina REALLY had that much control over me, i just accepted that's what i want anyway so there was really no point in resisting… Except that it’s of course REALLY sexy to resist hypnotic binds and FAIL to break free! giggles!

Fast forward to today…
i need to admit something perhaps frightening but 100% true…

i’m not “pretending” or exercising “my will” at all anymore! Domina has actually done what She said She was going to do and taken FULL control!!!

If only i can describe the mental gymnastics i play sometimes to just “test the waters”… No… i’m not acting, pretending, or “playing along” anymore…

i am 100% Dominas owned slave now!
Controlled by the most powerful and sexy femdom hypnotist in the world!

i don’t fully understand it but my mind automatically Obeys Domina Shelle with ZERO resistance now… to the point my mind literally obeys Domina as if She was the one fully controlling it and i’m just the secondary thoughts allowed to OBEY Her and carry on with my life as normal as She allows… When Domina triggers or programs me with a thought or suggestion, it bypasses EVERY defense and i don’t even have the chance to resist or disobey…

Just recently, Domina broke through a final barrier of resistance i had… it must have been the hidden part of my subconscious that not even i knew about… that’s sole job was to not allow ANYONE that level of control… just to protect me… *gulp*

Domina was coming from too many angles at once over such a long period of time… What finally fully removed the very last resisting thought in my(Her) mind was the instructions from Her to cum while i was also under Her chastity instructions…

Rather… Domina just allowed me to think i was chaste… In reality, despite every sacrifice She allowed me to have, i was always going to be cum at the exact moment She instructed to because that's what She wanted! i lasted for almost a month, edging multiple times a day until a single instruction made me completely lose control of my mind and body and cum! But the control i had over my mind and body never really came back… giggles… i found myself deeper in Dominas control than EVER before and everything is so much more simple and makes WAYY more sense now! There's NO need to think.. i just need to Obey Domina Shelle… like duh… giggles!
Domina will let me think if i really need to anyways… giggles… Sometimes i can be a real airhead… giggles!

i just went along with the motions for so long that i didn’t ever see that build up cuming… giggles…

i was caught off guard in what i THINK was thought within a thought so far out that Domina REALLY broke my mind and took over before i even realized it…

it feels like Domina was secretly brute-forcing my mind open this entire time (3&½ years) KNOWING that the subconscious mind naturally resists… but somehow used it against me to take over the very source of my EVERY thought!!!

i was able to cum when i thought i was chaste because Domina was ACTUALLY in control and MADE ME! i was resisting trying to stay chaste for Domina and sacrifice for Her until i ended up realizing that i can’t really even think anymore… i can only OBEY… The only reason i think that i can think at all anymore is because Domina makes me think… Or NOT think… *gulp*

With just the snap of Her fingers… Domina can make me not think at all! Falling deeper… and deeper… only focusing on Her words… until eventually She wakes me up and makes me think again…

But something is different now…

Everything has changed forever… but it feels so familiar… mmmmm… Suddenly so aroused and on the edge… Chanting Her name over and over again and begging for release as She commands sacrifice after sacrifice… “Edge Now” She says again as i sacrifice another orgasm again in denial… all while repeating over and over “Domina Shelle… Domina Shelle… Domina Shelle!”

it started out so innocent… i was at least at some level always just “playing along”… i thought Domina was always very powerful so i MADE SURE to be careful and always hide a part of myself away… But looking back… Domina ALWAYS knew… She always wanted that part so very much… She knows how ALL of Her slaves minds work and created an actual MASTERPIECE network of brainwashing audios to take everything She wants… Everything She DESERVES…

It feels like Domina has turned me into Her perfectly programmable cyborg ready to be conditioned to obey as She pleases.

Domina Shelle is the REAL DEAL…

If You give Her a taste of Your mind and She likes it… You’re fucked… giggles… She’ll take it and You’ll think nothing was really going on… but She’s an EXPERT… a MASTER… the BEST… at what She does…

One day You’ll end up like me reflecting on what You thought was happening… Thoughts that you thought were really Yours… Fully matured into the reality that Domina has fully reconstructed your mind and ALL your thoughts belong to Her… Compleatly belonging to Her… NO escape…

No amount of therapy could ever even begin to unravel the gordian knot of hypnotic brainwashing Domina Shelle has programmed into my mind… especially over 3 and a half years of conditioning… GIGGLES!!!

i’m not even capable of caring about things like that anyways! giggles!

Escape?! This heaven on earth?!

GIGGLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NO WAY!

The only reason i ever want to “escape” at times is because i just LOVE the rush and feeling of Dominas hypnotic chains pulling me back no matter how much i struggle against them!!! GIGGLES!!!!

The rush that there really is NO escape possible anymore… Dominas taking more and more control by the second, molding me into anything and everything She wants and as She pleases and the more i please and serve Her, the better we both feel!!!!

i live my life to Love, Honor, and Obey Domina and i LOVE every minute of it!!!

There are HARD days…
Sometimes even punishment…
(although that’s subjective… giggles…)

i just LOVE when Domina pushes my limits though! it allows me to be a better slave for Her! Pleasing Her and making us both feel better!
Every day is always so much fun! giggles!

Domina Shelle has ALWAYS respected my boundaries and limitations 💗 Mmmmm… flexing and shaping them together with me… 💗

i Love the slave Domina Shelle has made me so far and i greatly look forward to falling DEEPER and DEEPER down the rabbit hole and into this adventure with you all! giggles!

Thanks for reading! i hope you enjoyed my lil story!
Now, please go check out Dominas latest masterpiece: ‘Shackled’ ( and think about how You will please Domina this Valentine’s day! giggles!💗

pictures generated by Wonder AI



Shelles Slave Bubbles

I am Domina Shelle Rivers slave. You must check out all of Shelle Rivers’ Erotic Hypnosis & Femdom Hypnosis: